
Are you considering applying for yoga teacher training, but you aren’t sure if you are 100% ready and you would like to prepare for your YTT?

I’ve got you covered! Below, you can find 6 vital tips that will help you prepare for your journey, and hopefully, by the end of this guide, you will feel ready for your YTT! 

Now, let’s begin.

1. Have a consistent yoga practice

A consistent yoga practice will get your body ready for the many hours of yoga teacher training. 

It will be great if you spend some time practicing yoga to stretch and strengthen your body and to have an established daily practice that consists of:

  • mindful movement (asana)
  • breathing exercises (pranayama)
  • meditation

While you don’t have to be a pro yogi to take a yoga teacher training, it would be helpful to familiarize yourself and feel comfortable doing poses like Mountain Pose, Downward Dog, Warrior, and Plank. 

2. Be clear with your intentions 

People get into yoga training for a variety of reasons.

Finding WHY you desire to become a yoga teacher is a crucial factor that will help you throughout the way. Set an intention and make sure you have the answers of:

  • Why are you embarking on the training?
  • What skills do you hope to gain? 
  • How would you like to feel at the end of this process? 
  • What spiritual practices would you love to deepen?
  • Do you want to become an instructor and teach others?
  • Or perhaps you want to deepen your personal practice and learn more about yoga?

It is way harder to do something if your heart is not 100% committed to it and if you don’t have clear reasons for why you are doing it. 

Knowing your intent will help you stick to your teacher training in hard times. 

3. Get to know yoga philosophy in advance

You are probably familiar with asana, the physical aspect of yoga. 

However, yoga teacher training covers many other elements of this ancient practice, such as pranayama (breathwork) and the yamas and niyamas (ethical guidelines and observances).

If you take a bit of time to broaden your view of yoga and learn more about yoga philosophy in advance, you’ll be more familiar with many things you will go through the YTT.

This will make you feel more comfortable and on top of things. You can do by reading books about yoga, doing courses, watching educational videos, etc.

4. Know what to expect from the program 

To feel more prepared, learn as much as you can about the program by reading all relevant information. 

To learn more about our program at Caribe Yoga Academy, check this page.

You can even consider connecting with someone who has already completed the same 200-hour yoga teacher training.

5. Attend different yoga classes before your YTT 

You can learn from different yoga teachers and see their teaching methods by attending various yoga classes. 

In that way, you can discover which teaching technique you like the most, and you can get inspired to create your teaching instincts. 

6. Prepare your mind for some spiritual growth 

Yoga teacher training is not just about perfect alignment in physical postures. While your asana will change and grow, it’s important to also prepare yourself for the spiritual and emotional changes that will take place. 

You can expect many things to transform, such as how you look at life, your relationships with people, food, alcohol, money, etc.

And last but not least, you can expect that a yoga teacher training program will likely bring you closer to understanding who you indeed are.

Sum up

To receive your 200-hour yoga teacher certification, you must prepare not only physically but also mentally. 

While it isn’t mandatory to do all of these things, equipping yourself with a bit of knowledge in advance will certainly help you understand yoga even better.

Do you think something else can help prepare you for your YTT? Feel free to share it with us!