The Ins & Outs of Yoga Alliance

The Ins & Outs of Yoga Alliance

Aligning with a Registry or Organization Yoga Alliance, through which this program is accredited, is the most widely recognized yoga registry in the world.  They decide what must be included in each training as well as the level of study and teaching hours that...
Pathway to Peak—Student Profile: Halli

Pathway to Peak—Student Profile: Halli

Pathway to Peak—Student Profile: Halli The challenges I faced during this module felt like I too was attempting to leap the across the seas of my personal principles of ethical behavior (Yama). Connecting what I thought I knew, with what I was soon to understand. When...
Warm-Up—Student Profile: Halli

Warm-Up—Student Profile: Halli

Warm-Up—Student Profile: Halli Ganesha was the first Hindu deity I was introduced to. The god of new beginnings, success and wisdom. The gatekeeper. His large ears gift him the great capacity to listen, his tusk has been removed for documenting his knowledge, his...
What’s Your Dosha?

What’s Your Dosha?

The Doshas Pitta, Kapha, and Vata may be terms you’ve heard about here and there, but what exactly are they? How do you know what you are? Do you pick your own? Does someone else choose for you? The Doshas are are different combinations of the five elements...